Friday, May 18, 2018

Into the Great Wide Open

Murray and Michael helped me get all the caches placed yesterday.  Two were on cross country sections just out in the middle of nowhere.  Sure hope I can find them!  I marked them with GPS waypoints and took notes and pictures.  I also made the first of what will probably be many mistakes by leaving the wrong food box at my first drop-off.  Now I get to carry three extra days of food I won't need all the way to the next drop-off.  Woohoo lucky me!  I'll be coming from the top of Pine Mountain at the University of Oregon's Observatory so at least it will be all downhill.  We spent last night at Green Mountain campground near Crack in the Ground outside Christmas Valley.  It is incredibly nice with an expansive view of the valley below.  No water and just a vault toilet but I recommend it anyway.  I was pleased to get a call from Bill Jordens yesterday afternoon while we were on the road. He and Mary Ann want to come meet me somewhere along the trail so I suggested Paisley. If all goes well I should be there in 11 days or so. Maybe Mary Ann will bring brownies! They wanted to rendezvous with me on the coast trip last year but it didn't work out.  Can't wait to start making miles today.  Here's a picture of my caching buddies from last night.

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