Friday, May 11, 2018

May 11th Update

I labelled most of my water cache jugs today and have posted a picture here of one with my message on it which includes "I NEED THIS TO STAY ALIVE".  Kind of brings home what I'm attempting.  I have one jug in the freezer to see if it will burst when frozen.  Don't think it will and don't know if temperatures will get down that low but you can't be too sure.  

Murray and I hope to leave next Thursday, the 17th now.  A sleeping pad on order from REI is supposed to arrive by the 16th or else we might have left that day.  As related in the last post Murray will help me place the water caches required on the first parts of the trail and then drop me off at the trailhead.  It is possible Michael Allender may ride along too.  What great friends!   

I only have little things to take care of now, like putting together a needle and thread to bring, being sure I have a Ziploc bag for my maps, getting a new battery for my small LED squeeze light,  finalizing/shipping food boxes, taking myself off the dog-walking schedule at the shelter where I volunteer, and making sure my bills are paid ahead.  I have corresponded with the guys at Pine Mountain Observatory, Peters Creek OHV Park, and the Hart Mountain Store in Plush about accepting my boxes.  Still need to reconfirm with the lady in Plush who will take the last one to Hart Mountain Refuge for me.  

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