Saturday, May 19, 2018

On Pine Mountain

The lower slopes that is.  I wanted to make it all the way to the observatory at the top today to pick up my food and water cache but I'm about 3 miles short of that. I started walking shortly after 5:30 this morning an stopped at 3:30 after about 17 miles.   I had time left to get all the way to the observatory but not the energy.  The going was pretty tough with a couple of cross-country sections and mile and a half extra done because a map reading mistake, plus a pretty good elevation gain.  I'll do the rest of the 2200 hundred foot elevation in the morning.
 At what turned out not to be the trailhead
 First night to camp.
 I started way the other side of the peak in the upper left-hand corner
 Tonight's camp.
 So tired yesterday
 Tonight's camp
Showing Pine Mountain my destination today


  1. That's not quite the look you had when we dropped you off, Pilgrim. I hope things will go easier for you after you get to the top of Pine Mtn. Michael

  2. Appreciate it there fellow Texan. I'm
